Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education

Diploma and Degree Mills

Earning a high school diploma or college degree is a great start to improving your job prospects, but you need to be an educated consumer before choosing any school or service. Though many are legitimate, some organizations are more interested in taking your money than providing you with a quality education.

A diploma or degree mill is any educational organization or service that sells credentials with the promise that it will take little time or coursework. The Better Business Bureau offers these red flags[1] of possible diploma or degree mills.

If you have enrolled in an institution or service that you discover is fraudulent, the Kentucky Office of the Attorney General offers assistance in consumer protection related issues.  Visit for more information.

[1] Better Business Bureau: Last accessed May 2016.

DISCLAIMER: This office cannot give legal advice to any individual or take any legal action on behalf of any individual.


Last Updated: 9/6/2021