Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education

Kentucky undergraduate enrollment increases across all sectors and student populations

February 18, 2025

From fall 2023 to fall 2024, Kentucky experienced strong growth in undergraduate enrollment, rebounding above pre-pandemic levels. KCTCS saw enrollment rise 6.8% over the previous year, while public universities increased by 3.9% and private institutions affiliated with the Association of Independent Kentucky Colleges and Universities (AIKCU) increased by 3.7%.

In addition to total undergraduate enrollment, the Council on Postsecondary Education (CPE) tracks enrollment among targeted populations. Enrollment growth among underrepresented minority students continued to outpace overall gains, rising 13.3% at KCTCS, 11.2% at AIKCU institutions and 7.9% at public universities. Enrollment among low-income students, defined as Pell-eligible, rose by 7.5% at KCTCS and 7.0% at public universities after four years of subsequent declines.

“Kentucky’s colleges and universities have fully recovered from enrollment disruptions associated with the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Dr. Aaron Thompson, CPE president. “I’m pleased to report that Kentucky’s enrollment gains in fall 2024 were greater than the national average for both the public two-year and four-year sectors.”

Other good news in CPE’s enrollment brief includes:

The entire report can be accessed at

Last Updated: 2/18/2025