Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education

For Students


Continuing your education after high school has many benefits – including better employment opportunities and a higher earning potential. Your options for education after high school – also known as postsecondary education – include short-term certification/credential programs as well as two-year and four-year degree programs.

When we say “college” on this page, we are referring to all postsecondary education options:

Why Continue Your Education?

Did you know that 90% of the jobs in Kentucky will require a credential beyond a high school diploma? A credential that matters - whether a certificate in a trade or a degree - puts you in control of your future by giving you the knowledge and skills to pursue a career that interests and inspires you. When you have the freedom to choose your career, you're more likely to enjoy it. 

Not sure where to begin? We have curated multiple resources below to help. Additionally, the Kentucky Advising Academy's College and Career Advising Toolkit offers helpful resources and downloadable quick guides related to career exploration, postsecondary opportunities, and more!

How to Choose Where to Go and What to Study

Choosing a School

Choosing a Major

How to Go to College

Getting Started

How to Apply

How to Stay on Schedule

How to Get College Credit in High School

How to Pay for College

Complete the FAFSA

The 2024-25 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form will be available in December 2023 and will feature a few changes (see below). One of these changes is requiring that FSA IDs be completed in advance of FAFSA completion.

Earn Micro-Scholarships for Activities & Accomplishments

Financial Aid



Scholarship Search Engines


Need Help Navigating the College-Going Process?

Kentucky students and parents/guardians have multiple resources that are just a text, phone call or email away. Click here to access contact information for multiple individuals who are able to assist you with everything from completing a FAFSA to applying for post-high school education - and everything in between.

Last Updated: 4/12/2024