Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education

Heroes 2 Healers Convening

Empowering Veterans for Healthcare Careers

Monday, July 28, 2025 | The Campbell House, Lexington

*This event has been rescheduled from April 7 to July 28. Registration has been paused and will reopen on April 15. Download a calendar invite (.ics file) to save the date! 

With over 200,000 U.S. service members transitioning to civilian life annually, including 3,000 in Kentucky, this pivotal event is designed to honor military veterans and how their expertise can strengthen Kentucky's healthcare workforce. Topics will include:

Distinguished speakers include CPE President Aaron Thompson, Brigadier General (Ret.) Steven Bullard, and several Kentucky lawmakers and workforce leaders who will discuss legislative priorities and implementation strategies. 

Be part of tranformative change! Join us to connect with peers, policymakers, and employers dedicated to making Kentucky a Veteran-Ready State. 

Who should attend?

How can I attend? 

Registration for this event will reopen on April 15. This is an in-person only event.

Location, Lodging, & Parking

The event is taking place at The Campbell House located at 1375 South Broadway in Lexington. Parking onsite is plentiful and free.  There is no lodging block associated with this event, but you are welcome to book a room through their regular booking site, if needed. 

Event Information

Last Updated: 2/27/2025