CPE 2022-2030 strategic agenda released
March 04, 2022

The Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education unveiled the 2022-2030 state plan for higher education on Feb. 9. Higher Education Matters: A Statewide Strategic Agenda for Kentucky Postsecondary Education serves as a blueprint to meet Kentucky’s educational attainment goal—to raise the percentage of Kentuckians with a postsecondary degree or certificate to 60% by the year 2030.
Over the last decade, Kentucky has improved educational attainment at a rapid pace, increasing from 30.4% to the current level of 49.4%, just shy of the national average. The new plan provides a roadmap to steer the state to the 60% goal.
“This agenda advances a bold plan for building a competitive workforce through a strong postsecondary education system so Kentuckians can thrive professionally and personally and meet the evolving needs of the economy,” said CPE President Aaron Thompson.
“Achieving our educational attainment goal is critical to providing opportunity for more Kentuckians, accelerating job creation and growing the economy,” he added.
Learn more about Kentucky's progress
The agenda identifies five strategic priorities for higher education that will guide innovation and improvement through 2030, with an additional one -- equity -- as a cross-cutting priority. The other priorities are affordability, transitions, success, talent and value.

Public colleges and universities will develop campus-level strategies that align to the objectives included in each priority area. All strategies will be reviewed and revised every three years, and CPE and campuses will set numeric targets for key performance indicators to monitor progress. The targets will also be updated on a three-year cycle.
Creating equitable education opportunities for Kentucky’s low-income students and underrepresented minorities (URM) is a critical focus of the agenda. While degree production for minoritized students has increased 37% since 2016, outpacing overall credential growth, educational attainment of underrepresented minority Kentuckians still trails that of their white counterparts by a considerable margin.
To address this challenge, CPE’s comprehensive diversity, equity and inclusion policy requires institutions to increase enrollment, retention and completion for URM and low-income students and improve cultural competence on campus. Additionally, the state’s performance funding model places a premium on degrees awarded to underrepresented and low-income students.
To read the strategic agenda in full, visit: https://cpe.ky.gov/ourwork/strategicagenda.html
State of Higher Education Address
As part of unveiling the state's new strategic agenda, CPE President Aaron Thompson presented the State of Higher Education in Kentucky address which was followed by a panel discussion featuring key leaders in education and the workforce. The group discussed Kentucky’s progress, challenges and next steps for increasing greater student success and economic vitality in the Commonwealth.
Last Updated: 3/4/2022