Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education

President Thompson unveils 5 key priorities

April 01, 2019

When Dr. Aaron Thompson became the fourth president of the Council, he selected five main priorities for improving Kentucky's public higher education system that would result in better serving our students, workforce and economy.

1. Positioning higher education as the key to social mobility and economic development. In a decade of rising tuition, reduced government spending, and public skepticism about the value of college, CPE will remind Kentucky why higher education matters. We will mount a comprehensive communications strategy and engage business, industry and community partners to encourage reinvestment in this public good.

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2. Improving college access and affordability for high school graduates as well as adults. CPE will work to control college costs and prepare more high school graduates for college. At the same time, we will make our colleges and universities friendlier to adults seeking new jobs or career advancement.

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3. Ensuring that all students succeed at the same rate, regardless of age, race or income. Low-income and underrepresented minority students enroll and graduate at much lower rates. These students need targeted resources and strong advising to ensure they have an equal opportunity for success.

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4. Responding to Kentucky's current business needs while laying the groundwork for the future. CPE will encourage institutions to be more innovative and nimble when training students to fill employment shortages in advanced manufacturing, healthcare, business and IT, transportation and logistics, and construction. At the same time, we will ensure our graduates are high-level problem solvers, innovators, and communicators who can adapt to new technologies and work in teams.

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5. Enhancing academic quality through game-changing strategies that improve teaching and learning. CPE will advance cutting-edge, research-based approaches to create interdisciplinary, job-embedded academic programs that position students to succeed in the workforce of today and tomorrow. Increasingly, competencies, not credit hours, are determining credentials. How we understand and assess learning is changing, and CPE will lead this change.

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Last Updated: 7/22/2021