2022 Student Success Summit

Innovation through Collaboration
April 11-12, 2022, Louisville Marriott East
The 2022 CPE Student Success Summit was held on April 11-12, 2022 at the Louisville Marriott East. The annual convening of faculty, staff and administrators from across the Commonwealth had four important goals:
- To inspire innovation and collaboration in our work.
- To raise awareness of the new statewide strategic agenda and coherence with the Council's initiatives
- To accelerate progress on student success initiatives.
- To foster connection and community among colleagues across institutions.
Building upon the CPE Student Success Framework, this event featured keynote speakers and hands-on learning workshops that focused on connecting, charting, continuing and completing pathways to success.
- Featured speakers included CPE President Aaron Thompson Nancy Zimpher of the National Association of System Heads and Joe Cuseo, Professor Emeritus at Marymount California University.
- A student panel session was held on the second day and featured a recent alumni as the moderator and student panelists from Bluegrass Community and Technical College, Northern Kentucky University, the University of Kentucky, and Hazard Community and Technical College/Morehead State University.
- Breakout sessions focused on a number of issues including transfer, work-based learning opportunities, student financial stability, clear pathways to degree completion, cultural competence, and how the statewide strategic agenda will guide student success.
- Several workshops were also held for the Kentucky Graduate Profile Academy as well as both the Network Demonstration Project and KY Purpose First campus teams.
Materials from the Summit
- April 11-12, 2022 Agenda
- Impact exChange - The digital media channel for the Student Success Summit 2022. Includes the agenda, presentation materials, and speaker information. The chat feature will continue to be active following the conclusion of the Summit.
Keynote & Plenary Sessions Recordings
Last Updated: 11/23/2022